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Hatha Yog Pradeepika - Yoga Teacher Training India

By Swami Svatama Rama
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training School Rishikesh Yog Dham , India revealing you the study material and level 1, Yoga Alliance, Syllabus includes in 200 Hour Yoga teacher training india. Below is given the details with proper arrangement of derived Yogic Philosophy by the 1st Yogic verses complier Swami Sri Svatama Rama. Yoga students who wish to become yoga instructor to teach to worldwide can refer below learning pattern to develop Yogic Philosophy Knowledge.The requirement of Basic Yoga learning students as follows :  
Chapter – Ist
Total verses- 67
Nath panth and their masters
Purpose of hath yoga
Misconception about Raj Yoga
Two great Yogi of nath  tradition – (i)Matsyendra nath
                                                                    (ii)Guru Gorakh nath

Lineage of Maha Siddha’s-33
Eight major siddhis’
1.     Anima- The ability to become as small as atom.
2.     Laghima- The ability to become as large as universe.
3.     Mahima- The ability to become large as universe.
4.     Garima- The ability to become heavy.
5.     Prapti- The ability to reach any place.
6.     Prakamya- The ability to stay under water and to maintain the body and yuth.
7.     Vashistva- Control over all objects.’

Prana and Nadis according to Hath yoga

Hath yog pradeepika- forur chapters verses- 67, 78, 130, 114
The main contains of Hath yog Pradeepika.
1.      Asan
2.      Shatkarm and Pranayam
3.      Mudra and bandh
4.      Samadhi

Aims of Hath Yoga
1.     Purification of Body
Hath yoga is also known as the Science of Purification, not just one type of purification but six types. The body has to be cleaned in six different impurities. When you the body of these impurities. The nadis function and energy blocks are released the energy is moves live wave frequencies through the channel within the physical structure moving right up to the brian. Therefore we consider Hath Yoga as the preliminary practice of Tantra, Raj yoga, Kriya Yoga and Kundalini awakening process.
2.     Definition of Hath Yoga-
It is term Hath Yoga. Ha and Tha yoga combination of two beeja mantras. The Ha represents Prana,the vital force and Tha represents Mind the mental energy. So Hatha Yoga means the union of the pranic and mental forces. Prana shakti, the the life force and Manas shakti, the mental force are the two fundamental creator. When they interact with each other, when the interplay of these two shaktis takes place then the creation begins to unfold. When these two shaktis are separated from each other, or they dissolved back to their sources then creation is dissolved. That is the great Pralay, the total annihilation of matter.
All matter in this creation is alive. It is also conscious, therefore everything has potential consciousness and everything is alive. In yoga, life and consciousness are known as Prakriti and Purush.
            Sushumna is the form of the Sun, Moon and fire. So it is three fold. It extends from the middle of the Mamda (mooladhar to the head). Inside here is Chitrini and Vajra nadies extends inside from male sex organ to the head. There is one more nadi is inside of vajra that is called Chitrini. She is as subtle as spider’s thread and pierces all the tubes. Inside her is Brahma Nadi which exists at the mouth of mooladhar.
1.      Gandhari- From the naval wheel (collection of Nadis behind the naval) to the left to right eye in front of Ida associated with sight and joins petal of Ajna.
2.      Hastijihva- From naval wheel to right eye in front of Ida associated with sight join
3.      Poosa- From the naval wheel to the right ear behind Pingla, associated audition.
4.      Yashaswani- Between Poosha and Saraswati running from the left big toe to the left ear, associated with auditions.
5.      Alampusha- Runs from the Kandasthma to the mouth.
6.      Kuhu- In front of Sushumna fewer down to the reproductive organs.
7.      Sankhini- Between Gandhari and Saraswati below Sahasrar and connect to Swadhisthan.
8.      Kurma- In the region of sternum bone. Stbilizes the mind.
9.      Payasvani – Between Poosha and Saraswati runs from the edge of the right ear to the right big toe.
10. Shura- From the naval wheel to the eyebrow centre.
11. Varuni- BetweenYashaswini and Kuhu, hows downward from the naval to Mooladhar.
12. Chitra- Flows down from the navel, associated with ejaculation.

Prana and Pranic Body
Prana and Mind-
            When Prana moves chitta (The mental force) moves. When prana is without movement, chitta is without movement. By this (Steadiness of prana the yoga attains steadiness and thus restrain the vayu (Prana).

There are five main Prana Vayu as –
1.      Prana
2.      Apana
3.      Udana
4.      Samana
5.      Vyana
Prana vayu – is also called the ‘inBreathe’
Apana – The ‘out breathe’ Samana the middle breath and Udana the upbreathe.

Prana vayu is inhalation.
Apana vayu is exhalation
Udana vayu the extension of Samana
Samana vayu is in the time between inhalation and Exhalation. (Maitri Upnishad)

From yogic point of view the most important vayu is Samana. It is related to Sushumna Nadi.
Prana – vayu is related to Ida nadi.
Apana – to Pingla nadi.

Prana vayu in the body –
Udana – Head and Arm
Prana – Chest
Samana – Stomach
Apana – Down to Naval Lumber
Vyana – Pervades the whole body.

Upprana (Subsidiary Prana)
1.     Koorm – Which stimulates blinking.
2.     Krikara – Which generates hunger, thirst, sneezing and coughing.
3.     Devdatta – Which includes sleep and yawing.
4.     Naga – Which causes hiccups and betechiy
5.     Dhananjay – Which lingers immediately after death to discompose to body.

Sequence of Hath Yoga

vklua dqEHkda fp=a eqnzk[;a dj.k rFkkA
vFk uknkuqla/kkue~~H;klkuqdeksa gBsAA        1@56] gB;ksx iznhfidk

Asana, the varities of kumbhaka, practices called mudras and concentration on the inner sound (Nada) comprise the sequence of Hath Yoga.

,oekluoa/ks’kq ;ksxhUnzks foxr Je%
vH;lsUukfMdk”kqf)a eqnzkfniou fØ;keA            1@55] gB;ksx iznhfidk

In Hath the sequence is Asana first then Pranayama, Mudra, Bandhas, Lastly one should site guilty in a meditative pose and concentrate on a symbol. If the inner sound can be concentrate on that.

Hatha yoga
Six purification systems of body and mind.
1.     Dhauti – Antar (Internal) dhauti, vat dhauti, Varisar dhauti, Vahinisar

Yam, Niyam
Yama -
1.     Ahimsa – Non violence
2.     Satya – Truth
3.     Astey – Non steling
4.     Brahmcharya- Continence
5.     Kshma – Forgiveness
6.     Driti – Endurance
7.     Daya – Compassion
8.     Humanity –
9.     Mitahar – Moderate diet
10. Shauch – Cleanliness

Niyama –
1.     Tapa – Penance or austerity
2.     Santosh - Contentment
3.     Astikyam – Belief (faith)
4.     Dana – Charity
5.     Ishwar Poojanam – Worship of God.
6.     Siddhanta Stravna – Listening to the recitation as sacred scriptures.
7.     Hri – Modesty
8.     Mati – A discerning intellect
9.     Japa – Mantra repetition
10. Hutam – Sacrifice

1.     Sri Kamta Nath – Lakulisa – He has four disciples – Kusika, Garg, Mitra, Kaurusya.
Tantra Literature –
1. Pasupata – By Shiva himself,
2. Agamanta – Shaivism,
3. Shaktisma – Dkshina (Right handed), Vama (Left handed), Madhyama (Three Guna – Satvik, Rajsik, Tamsik)

Tantra Practices – Esoteric practical methods
1.      Puja (Homa)
2.      Abhishek
3.      Diksha
4.      Yajna
5.      Making  - line Shiva temple, sacrificial attar

Saktism Practicals –
1.     Mantra Shakti
2.     Nada
3.     Prana

Panch Makaras –
1.     Madya – Wine, Nector
2.     Mansa – food, flesh
3.     Matsya – Fish, Nadis Ida, Pingla and Sushumna
4.     Mudra – Physical, Spiritual
5.     Maithuna – Spiritual unity by knowledge.     Union with cosmos.    Physical sexual intercourse.

vH;kl oSjkX;kH;ka rfUujks/k%       1@12

They are controlled by means of practice and non attachment.

r= fLFkrks ;Ruks·H;klA           1@13
To establish there we have to do intensive effort of yoga discipline.

Lk rq nh?kZdkyuSjUr;Z lRdkjkslsforks n``<+HkwfeA        1@14
A long time, continue with respect practice firraly grounded.

n`’VkuqJfod fo’k;for``’.kL; o”khdkj laKk oSjkX;            1@15
Non attachment is self mastery what is seen or heart.

rRija iq#’k[;krsZ xq.k oSr``’.ke~~      1@16
Allert knowing that (Brahma or self) ones interest or disease shall be cease for ever about creation.
fordZ fopkjkuUnkfLerkuqxekr leizKkr%   1@17
Concentration or Samadhi – Four kinds
fordZ & Examination,  fopkj& Discrimination, vkuUnk& Joyfull peace, vfLerk& I ness or individual soul,

fojkeizR;;kH;kliwoZ% laLdkj”ks’kks·U;       1@18
fojke& Stop, non attachment, izR;;& Past impression, knowledge by practice,

J)k&oh;Z&Le`fr&lekf/k&izKk     1@18
J)k& Faith, oh;Z& Zeal, enthusiasm, Le`fr& Good memory,

rhozlaosxkuk;klUu%       1@21

bZ”oj izkf.k/kkuk}k        1@23
Concentration – By surrender to God.
Dys”k deZ foikdk”;Sj ijke`’V%
iq#’k fo”ks’k bZ”oj%A               1@24

r= fujfrk; loZKRo chte~~      1@2
l losZ’kke xq#% dkysukuoPNnkr   1@26
He is the teacher of      teacher.

rL; okpd iz.ko         1@27
The word which express him is om. The word must be repeated with meditation upon.

oTTk;LrFkZ Hkkouke~      1@29
The word must be repeated with meditation upon.
O;kf/kLR;ku la”k; izlkn
L;kfojfr HkzkfUr n”kZukyC/kHkwfedRoku ofLFkRokfu    1@30
Sickness; Mental; Laziness; Doubt; Lack of enthusiasm; Craving for senso Pleasure; False perception; Despair causual by failure to concentrate and unstudiness

1. Agama – Revelation
2. Nigama – Traditional
3. Tanra is the culmination of the esoteric Science of Vedanta and Sankhya.
4. It is the attainment of spiritual
5. It combines with ultimate reality of Brahman and Shiva
6. The validity of the world as an expression of Shiva and Shakti.

The main of Tantra –
The Tantra arounds the idea of bring about the union of two principles – one male and
The other female.

The two type ritual

Extorir – The tantric sadhna (practice) rituals ascendeny over the forces of Nature
Esoteric rituals – These rituals are mainly yogic practices. It means aim or being the the union of two principles shiva and Shakti.

The main Tantric Teachers –
1. Shiva + Shakti
2. Nath tradition

Practical –
1. Nyasa – Bhut Shuddhi – Pranayama dhyan and mantra reception
2. Exoteric rituals to get Mastery on Nature forces perfections
3. Esoteric – Yogic practice (kundalini awakening)

Homa – offering foods for diety. They accept only subtle part of food
Abhisheka (Spiritual bath)

Dakshina (Sudha Pure)
Ashuddha- Impure

Tantra Philosophy
Human being nature – 1. Man has tendency to enjoy no renunciation.
2. Enjoyment and renunciation are combined
3. Ultimate object of human life the identification with god through love.
4.  Tantra preach the motherhoodof god and glorification of the woman
5. Woman body is symbol of godess
6. duality to non duality
7. Animality to divinityto get mahasukha great bliss
8. Tantra is system, method discipline that which act on physical vital and mental balance. It is a mutual coordination f Kama, Yoga,Mana, and bhakti. It is inner purifying process through advaita Mana, Purest bhakti and love.

1. Dual to undual
2. Enjoyment and renunciation at a time
3. Identification with god or supreme
4. Aninality to divinity

Practical –

Bhut Shuddhi – Cleanliness – body, mind etc.
Bhakti – Puja (Payer)

Yoga seed to seed  Nada bindu nada
For Puja – Mantra diksha – Samana bath
Sandhya Tarpana – Pleasing fullfil by Kundalini awakening
Nasya – Imposition – Total tdentity with god Homa

Five fold worship – Snana, Sandhya, Tarpan, Puja, Homa

Punch makaras –

Five M
1. Matsya (fish)
2. Mansa (Meat)
3. Mudra (Food)
4. Madya (liquor)
5. Maithuna (Sexual intercourse)

Yoga Teacher Training India – Rishikesh Yog Dham runs a monthly teacher training course for Beginner or Advanced practitioners Certification Program. Yoga alliance USA ,registered school offers you the unique learning experience instilling you a traditional Hatha yoga driven philosophy of Indian teaching.
For more details about course or program you can write us at or can visit


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